Friday 10 November 2017

pengalaman tamhidi usim

in the name of Allah, the most compassionate and the most merciful.
alhamdulillah, hari ni aku tersangat bosan dan tak tahu apa nak buat, so , aku nak buat review/pengalaman sebagai budak tamhidi usim. menjelang keputusan spm nanti mesti ramai yang tercari cari benda macam ni kan ?, macam yang aku jugekk.
tamhidi usim ni basically dia hanya setahun. korang semua akan belajar di pusat tamhidi . kebiasaannya, bebudak tamhidi akan guna bangunan pusat tamhidi dan bangunan mpg yang wujud disebelah je. takpe, korang jangan bimbang, cafetaria ada di pusat tamhidi, atau korang boleh dapatkan di student mall yang super duper laris. tetapi, AMARAN ! , student mall sangat crowded dengan pelajar muslimat . ye lah kan, bebudak degree + tamhidi : maka korang boleh lihat nanti seketul dua ketul je pelajar muslimin dekat student mall. dwkat student mall korang boleh beli macam2 tau. nak makan chicken chop boleh, nasi putih pun ada, kedai mee/laksa dan sepupunya pun ada. yang pasti harganya masih berpatutan jika nak dibandingkan dengan uni lain. kalau korang nak makan lagi murah, ajaklah kawan korang dan boleh pergi ke cafe fakulti pengajian quran sunnah( tepi pusat tamhidi je ).
ok, berkaitan dengan kolej kediaman, korang akan stay di kolej kediaman nilam court untuk 1 tahun . kolej ni terletak di nilai impian. biasanya kalau korang naik bas usim, dalam 20 minit perjalanan. korang boleh tidur je dulu dalam bas . kat sini korang akan duduk serumah 8 orang. ada 3 bilik wehh. dua bilik untuk 2 orang each, dan satu bilik lagi untuk 4 orang. korang boleh je bawak charger smartphone ke ape semua tu , tapi kalau korang busted , aku pun x tahu apa jadi. setakat sem 1 , alhamdulillah takde spotcheck ke ape lagi oleh pengetua kolej. kalau korang nak duduk sebilik dengan kawan korang, kenalah berpakat  . sebab dia akan bagi bilik random. so, mase daftar, korang  daftar sekali dengan kawan korang, sampai di kaunter pendaftaran kolej, bagitahu je nak bilik sekali konpem dia bagi aku dah buat  . ok jangan bimbang, dekat kolej ni korang boleh suka hati masuk keluar. tapi make sure sebelum pukul 12 malam dah ada dalam kolej , sebab, guard biasanya akan marah sesape yang lewat masuk ! untuk pengetahuan, kalau korang stay di kolej ni, korang akan wajib kenal kedai makan umi ayra . dekat je dengan kolej tu. kalau lapar je, call uber/grab yang bersepah. kfc/mcD/texas chicken pun ada . senang sangat !
ok untuk course bebudak tamhidi ada 5 je.
1.tamhidi perubatan
2.tamhidi pergigian
3.tamhidi sains dan teknologi
4.tamhidi syariah undang undang
5.tamhidi ekonomi dan muamalat
pastikan korang check dahulu program degree yang korang nak sebelum memohon ye. takut menyesal nanti check di laman web usim terus ye !?
ok. untuk pelajar tamhidi perubatan/pergigian/sc tech, korang akan belajar
pelajar sains akan belajar benda yang sama. jadi, keep the good relay each other ye ? bebudak sc tech akan struggle untuk beat bebudak dentist n medic, sebab diorang akan cuba nak dapatkan degree medic n dentist jugakk. syaratnya, kalau nak apply dentist mesti cgpa 3.30 keatas dan kalau nak apply medic kena cgpa 3.50 dan keatas. dua dua kena melalui proses temuduga wehh. ingat senang2 je korang nak masuk ?
belajar kat sini to be honest memang la penat untuk bebudak tamhidi. ye lah kan, setahun, mesti kena cepat belajar. korang biasanya akan start class pukul 8.30 dan kebiasaannya akan pulang pukul 5.30 bergantung kepada jadual. kalau lect cancel kelas korang boleh balik awal n it is so heavennn lecturer2 semua baik baik je . pastikan anda siap semua soalan tutorial sebelum masuk kelas tutorial and bila ditanya. jawab dengan penuh hemah ye ! diorang akan bantu korang dengan jayanya , percayalah !
ok untuk bebudak tamhidi korang akan ada minggu orientasi 3 hari. masa ni semua orang akan berebut bas, konfem. sebab semua noob lagi. hahahahhahaaha. lepastu korang akan rilek je naik bas takde nak berebut bagai. kalau taknak lewat, turunlah awal sikit . p/s: bas is provided ok.
apa lagi eh ? ok kalau korang nak ambil duit. dekat student mall ada atm bank islam. meps pun ada. tak payah susah susah cari bank. dan untuk pengetahuan, usually elaun untuk sem 1 akan masuk bila dah nak habis sem . dan elaun untuk sem 2 akan masuk di pertengahan sem .
ok aku rasa tu je yang aku nak kongsi kali ni. kalau ada apa2 pertanyaan, silalah komen. aku akan jawan secepat mungkin 
p/s: di kolej kediaman akan berkumandang bacaan surah al mulk setiap 11.45 malam.
p/ss : depan kolej ada tasik ujana. boleh joging dan lepak lepak.
p/sss: sukan ada, jangan bimbang.
p/ssss: jangan mengeluh sangat bila ada banyak quiz . this is really something lah ! quiz is almost every week for diff subject. get ready lah.
p/sssss: wifi is provided in kolej/usim. laju pulak tuu.. tapi kalau tersekat tu biasalah en
p/ssssss: ktm dekat je dengan kolej kediaman
p/sssssss: will update more.
thats all. goodluck. jangan lupa istikharah sebelum pilih upu. bukan selepas dapat . !

Wednesday 8 June 2016

#contoh english essay baik punya!

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful

hari ni, nak kongsi satu contoh essay yang ada pada aku.sebenarnya ada beberapa
lagi tapi tunggu lah, lepas ni inshaaAllah aku post. pasni, kalu nak tengok, review cth
essay english, singgah ah sini. inshaaAllah,, korang akan jumpa apa yang korang nak.


The wind was gentle but chilly in the midst of the night. Reynold, Beca, Skylar and I were doing absolutely nothing! We had just finished the Harry Potter movie marathon and now we were feeling completely at lost. I was just about to doze off when Reynold suddenly shouted “I’ve got an idea!”. Feeling suddenly energized, I asked him what it was. “Let’s go to the house on 24th street!” said Reynold all excited. Our jaws dropped as soon as we heard his supposed-to-be great idea. Everyone knew the house on 24th street but no one had ever been brave enough to actually set foot there. Legend had it that the house used to be a funeral home in the olden days. Beca and Skylar shook their heads furiously at the thought of the house on 24th street.

“It’s just a legend! How could you believe something as ridiculous as that?” whined Reynold who was getting bored by the minute. He tried hard to persuade us to nuckle under his idea. After his endless rants, we finally agreed to go to the house even though it was already 2 a.m. in the morning. We packed up a few things and started walking mindlessly towards the “haunted house”.  Truth be told, I was a scaredy cat and I had every intention to run as fast as I could back to my house. My intentions were put to a halt by Reynold’s dare of staying overnight in the house. Shivers ran down my spine just by looking at the sight of the eerie house. After exchanging looks with one another, we recited a silent prayer and moved closer towards the house. I definitely had a bad feeling about how things were going.

The front door was slightly ajar so it made things easier for us as we did not have to break down any doors. The house was pitch-black when we entered. Beca tried to find the switch to turn the lights on but to no avail. To our surprise, there was no light switch at all. I could see Skylar backing away slowly as he was so scared and it actually delighted me a little. We decided to separate into our own ways to discover the house even more. It all seemed like a good plan until we were all walking alone in the dark. Such a ridiculous idea and all thanks to Reynold! I was getting tired and emotional of the dark and so I did what every other teenager would do- I took out my camera and began taking pictures in order to use the light from the camera flash to guide the way. It seemed to work because I managed to see where I was going until suddenly a figure appeared before me!

I screamed as loud as I could and dropped my camera. Skylar came rushing into the room followed by Reynold and Beca. I started telling them what had happened and handed them my camera as proof of the figure I saw. What happened next made my knees weak and my heart pound faster than a bullet train. The pictures inside the camera were pictures of me- all of them. I had one thought and one thought only; I needed to get out of the house as quickly as possible. We were just about to leave when it started raining cats and dogs. Oh great, how perfect could the night get? We were having doubts about staying until morning but we were also having doubts about walking in the rain at the time of night. We all made the courageous decision of staying together in the house for the night.

We could not get any sleep because of all the eerie noises we heard. It kept waking us up. We ended up ransacking the whole house to find out what really happened there throughout the olden days. We found no evidences of what had happened in the house but we did find an article about three teenagers that were found dead inside that very house. The reason behind their deaths was still a mystery up until today. Beca, Skylar and Reynold decided to call it a night and went downstairs to sleep. Being the brave one all of a sudden, I continued ransacking the house in hope to find out more about those three teenagers. What a tragic death could that have been for them.

I woke up to the sound of non-stop banging on the front door. Feeling a little light-headed, I hurriedly opened the front door of the house which was suprisingly locked. I was astonished to find two police officers before my very eyes. They told me that they had heard loud noises and the sound of people screaming for help. I explained that it was probably the sound of the four of was screaming while we were scared out of our wits last night. The officers exchanged looks of confusion among them. They told me to stay outside while they searched for Reynold, Beca and Skylar inside the house. A few moments later, they came out and told me something that sent shivers all through my body.

“The house is empty, miss. It has been empty all night long. You are the only one there throughout the night.” said the elderly police officer.

He then showed me the CCTV recording of the house throughout the night. I was baffled. Did I go inside the haunted house with my friends or with my “friends”?

ok. how was it? is it good ? do you want to know what is the mark of this beautiful essay?
hmm. try to guess it first. at last i'll tell you guys. btw, apa aku nak highlight hari ni, tiap kali
korang baca essay english, ambik lah, catatlah mana mana frasaa menarik, sophisticated word
yang korang belum tahu maksudnya so korang boleh guna nanti. see? semoga bermanfaat :p